Westside High School

Class of 1973

We are bubbling over with excitement for our upcoming 50th Class Reunion with some fabulous opportunities for fun. The reunion will be August 4th and 5th of 2023.

A wonderful celebration has been in the planning for quite some time and we are looking forward to seeing as many of you that can join us. Take a peek at the pages below for lots of details regarding our “Golden” Reunion!

Sincerely…The Class of ’73 reunion committee.

Events & Tickets

Friday and Saturday

The Friday night Meet and Greet will be at Legends Patio Grill and Bar. If you remember where the old Venice Inn was, you’ll be good to go.

We’ll be having appetizers, a cash bar and name tags for those of us who don’t quite look like we did 50 years ago. The BIG event will be a casual event on Saturday Night at Happy Hollow Country Club, another District 66 landmark. 

Golf Tournament

Golf Event

Another Blast from our past…For all you golfers or “wanna-be’s”, we will have the traditional golf event at Elmwood Golf Course on Friday morning.  You might want to start practicing your swing, now!

Reunion Merchandise


To commemorate this special reunion, we’ll be selling tee-shirts on a pre-order basis. Click here for sizing and pricing. These shirts will be available for pick up at the Friday evening event! Sorry t-shirt sales are now closed.




If you would like to help offset the cost of our big gala, feel free to click below.

Biographies, Stories, and Pictures

Social Sharing

Want to tell us what you’ve been doing for the past 5 decades? We’d love to catch up with a short bio and maybe a recent photo of you? Feel free to register and you can even connect with other classmates prior to the reunion! (Note: You are required to sign up as a Class Member and be approved before others can see your profile information, etc.)

Let’s get this party started!


Westside HS Tour

Tour of the old Alma Mater! Want to see all the fabulous updates that Westside has made in the last couple of decades? Want to just hang out in the commons area for old time sake? Here’s your chance. Tours will take place Saturday morning. Just click here to sign up for a time.


Hotels & Motels

Since our event is not taking place at a hotel this time, please find attached a list of hotels near the events and around town. You can even connect with friends on the sharing page, through a private message, to see where they may be staying.

Update Your Information

Do we have your current email and address?

Click the button below to update your current information with our records keeper.


Join Us

We are so excited you have found our reunion page. Looking forward to re-connecting with you in person. If you’d like to help out prior or even during the event.

Click on the button below for a list of Contacts if you have questions or wish to share feedback.

In the meantime, remember… “We’re the BEST that will ever be…The Class of 1973”